Friday, 1 April 2011

Molly’s Marvellous Market

 The stand :
   The stand again!!!
 Not so cross hot cross buns!
  Lauren (miss Molly Queen herself!) and Pete
  Debs and the hard core underground supporter Lou!

April the end of the tax year …. The end of my “real” job, redundancy and the dole queue beckons! However all is not lost! At a time when I should be depressed I am inspired and excited; largely because this weekend I launched the Nottingham Underground Bakery at Molly’s Marvellous Market. The response was fab! It was so great to be chatting to people and to be doing some thing practical and creative again. I hope to start baking a small batch every Wednesday and Saturday to begin with so keep your eyes on face book and twitter to see what I’m baking. Order by phone, email or face book/twitter, orders will initially be on a first come first serve basis but when I find a bigger oven the they will be more regular.

Phone: 07514625697
Facebook: Beth Notts-Underground
Twitter: Bethmarriott@puttheovenon

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