Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Dusting the cobwebs

The blog is cobwebbing somewhat! I apologies but time is at a premium at the mo so all my energies have been focusing on creating new and exciting food at the kiosk with its new container seating area! If you haven’t been down to Nottingham’s newest quirky independent dining spot get your sen down there!
So what the hell have we been up to I hear you cry? Well I will tell you. 

as all ways questionable spelling whilst doing up the container!
Since the last post I have mainly been concentrating efforts on getting the container sorted; which as I have always lived in rented accommodation I’ve never had anything done building wise to my house so it was quite a shock to the system. Dust dust dust and more dust. But thanks to the boy, Trev, Mike and Andrew it got sorted. I spent a few late nights sanding painting and dusting!
the container under construction

Apart from sanding and dusting I have been doing lots of menu planning for the evenings that we are now doing in the container on Saturday and Friday nights. India, Kaiya and I went on a “staff training” day to London to get some inspiration. We went and met up with my cousin Char who directed us to all the cool spots in Brixton Village we did some serious coffee and cake sampling then went off for lunch in the sunshine at the lido. We also checked out some container inspiration on the south bank at Wahaca and lubricated ourselves with a few cocktails and finally Caravan for some tapas with friends. 
coffee at Rosie's

sun , beer and a scotch egg at the lido!

snacks and booze at Wahaca

You may have also noticed that we have some new staff aboard the good ship Kiosk I’m sure most of you will know them but I thought it would only be polite to introduce them!
The wonderful Rachel who you may recognize from Sherwood crafty events and will defo recognize her quirky retro textile art; Rach is joining us as a part time waitress and little bit of everything assistant!   
Also The lovely Hattie who you may also recognise from craft events she is a super star knitter and is also joining us as a part time waitress and little bit of everything assistant.
Kiosk at night photo thanks to Matthew Robertson

So the new opening hours are mon –thur 9-4 pm fri-sat 9-4 and 7pm –till late we are open again on  Sunday 10-2.
Hope to see you soon

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